Miguna's Bombshell: Tuju Headed for PM's Job
A close friend of mine and a tested political strategist has recently whispered into my ear, careful not to be overheard [I profusely apologize for betraying his confidence], that our mutual buddy, that

ever smiling congenial gentleman from Aram market in Rarieda constituency in Nyanza province, the undisputed territory of

Raila Amolo Tinga; the one Kibaki refers to as “Ralph my son”, yes, that newly minted party leader of what some have referred to as

“Pata Potea Party”, is a major ace in Kibaki’s yet-to-be-played political cards, those that are still hidden safely under the table, away from the Orange team, or what other Banana Republicans love to refer to as “the Orangemen”.
According to my friend-cum-political strategist, Tuju will assume the role

Musalia played in Moi’s petty political schemes immediately after Raila stormed out of KANU with more than half its political heavyweights. His theory goes something like this:
Whether the Banana Republicans Win or Lose, TUJU will be VP
Sometime after November 21st, 2005,

Kibaki will announce a reshuffle [shattering and shaking all corners of our lovely republic], appointing Tuju to the VP’s position and either firing or demoting Awori.

Raila, Kalonzo and the other Orange team members will also be fired, giving space for Syongo, Sammy Weya, Opon Nyamunga and other closeted regime friendly MPs from Luo Nyanza, who will either be elevated or appointed to full cabinet positions, possibly even directly replacing the Orange ministers.
Following this reshuffle, major appointments in the District administration, judiciary, the police, military, intelligence and parastatals will follow. But the latter appointments will undoubtedly be restricted to Ralph’s friends, supporters and party affiliates or those who have “good” reasons to hate Raila [please count me out].
My friend swears by the spirits of his dead grandmother that Kibaki will inevitably boost Ralph’s political profile, stature and prestige in Luo Nyanza and start a process of creating a national figure.
With unlimited state largesse, KBC, Citizen and Nation Media propaganda machines demonizing Raila and proclaiming how heroic, development conscious and peaceful Ralph is, it is calculated [by non other than the professor of mathematics,

Saitoti] that both Luo Nyanza, in particular, and the greater Kenyan nation, in general, will begin warming up to our new leader.
And with his disarming smile, handsome face, gift of the garb and sure gait, Tuju will rise to the level of TJ Mboya, minus the latter’s organizational and oratorical acumens. What Ralph lacks in TJ’s charisma he will make up in his polish, poise and properly tailored Armani suits. My friend quickly points out that while TJ might have dazzled Kenyans with his reported coziness to such American titans like the Kennedys, Ralph will call upon

the Italians and other wazungu friends he has made in his foreign sojourns, first in the UK and then in the US.

So, just like TJ made life very difficult for Raila’s father Ajuma wuod Alogo, so will Ralph make life impossible for Raila and other Orange team members.
Eventually, so I hear, Ralph will create a political nightmare for the newly announced ODM and clear the path for Kibaki’s return in 2007 and beyond.
Those Orangemen who dared question Ralph’s political influence will face the wrath of the NARC power men such as Murungaru, Michuki, Karume, Kiraitu, Kivutha, Mirugi et al, thus what Raila’s father, Oneko, Kaggia, Obok and others experienced in 1966 and after will be replyated with precision after November 2005. According to this insider, Orange team members’ loans and mortgages will be recalled, credit facilities cut, jobs lost and life made miserable each day and night.
My friend points out that what will follow November 21st, 2005 has been clearly mapped out by Kiraitu, Michuki, Mirugi, Murungaru, Karua and others in the recent days. He gives me examples of statements made by the NARC high command during the banana campaigns such as:

Mungatana telling his constituents at St. Martin Primary School in Bahari Constituency, Kilifi District, on Sunday, September 25th, 2005, that “you elected me and I am commanding you to vote for the draft…”;

Kiraitu’s command to the civil servants that they must campaign and vote for the banana fruit as well as his declaration that their team is using state resources because the referendum is a government project;

Michuki directing the Provincial Administration to ensure that everyone under them votes for the Wako draft;

Karua telling those who are opposed to the enactment of the draft to go to hell; Kibaki calling every Kenyan who disagrees with his government liars and wapumbavu; and
Mirugi threatening Kivuitu with termination.
These, my friend points out, are just examples of things to come after the referendum.
Instead of Kenyatta’s refrain “Kaggia, what have you done for yourself?” the Orange team will be asked:
“How many oranges have you eaten?”
And with that question, it is conceivable that

Nyayo House will be reopened and the museum artifacts there transformed, once more, into truncheons of torture.
My friend’s second theory – Whether Banana loses or not, Tuju will be PM
My friend’s second theory looks more plausible than the first. He relays that he has heard it from impeccable sources within the corridors of power that Kibaki will fire the entire Orange team, hire the few turncoats from Luo Nyanza, and try another trick on Agwambo. This version has it that Kibaki will retain Awori but still appoint Ralph to the PM’s position, minus the executive powers. The reason for keeping Awori will be to retain a large chunk of the Luhyia votes, but only if the referendum results redeem him; that is, if he manages to deliver a sizeable number of votes for the Banana Republicans in November. If not, my friend posits, the VP’s job will be Kituyi’s; not Kombo’s. I hear that the MKM are adamant that the VP’s slot must be kept in the Luhyia country in order to lock Agwambo and his Orange brigade out of Western province. My friend doesn’t seem to think that Kombo stands a chance in the post referendum power equation.
However, even without executive powers, Ralph will be allowed to run a tidy outfit from Harambee House, with streams of eloquent, flashy and degreed Luos. That way, so the whisper goes, Luos will begin to view Kibaki as their ally, a true friend in development, and abandon Agwambo. The Odinga Political Empire, my friend reminds me, may be history post-referendum.
Then come 2007, with the Orange team’s influence reduced and their ability to organize seriously curtailed, the NARC brigade will have a good run for another term while ODM will be relegated to the dustbins of political experiments.
I have pointed out to my friend that the Banana Republicans may be planning to be more creative than he has analyzed. I have also warned him to be careful in analyzing Luos; that my people are tricky when it comes to politics. And that the community has a long history of felling those perceived to be sleeping with their enemies. However, my friend insists that the little birds chirping at his ears are as accurate as lightning.
And I say, good luck Ralph, give it a good run.
*The writer is a Kenyan practicing law in Toronto, Canada